This site is in no way affiliated with acclaimed critic Roger Ebert. It's much better.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Killers new album

The Killer have been very, very busy. Brandon Flowers recently attacked Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy and said they were destroying America. Then yesterday he took it all back. He's also been busy growing a large beard and dressing like a cowboy (no joking). Anyhow, everyone in the press has been dismantling their first single "When You Were Young" and I challenge anyone to find a review of it that doesn't use the words "Springsteen" or "Meatloaf." As is usually the case, I didn't read these reviews in time to know that I shouldn't like it. I love it. Dammit. And in case you didn't know, it was widely reported that Flowers said this was going to be the "one of the best albums in the last 20 years." I wonder what came out in 1985 that was so much better he couldn't go back farther? Anyhow... Check out the new single and the new "western" themed album Sam's Town here

And check out a pre-review of it here

No matter what anyone says, this album is going to be the biggest of the year.


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