This site is in no way affiliated with acclaimed critic Roger Ebert. It's much better.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Fray and stupid campus stuff

The Onion actually made a really great point in their serious entertainment section (which seems to make up roughly 4/5 of that newspaper now). This isn't verbatim, but it's close, and very true:

The Fray prove that removing any edge from your music is a ticket up the charts. They seem to be a band favored by people who are awed by Americal Idol performances and who think Keane are 'just a little too creative.'

Exactly. Ben Folds is a better pianist, better songwriter,; Keane are better all around and do the exact same thing. But they aren't watered down enough for people. I was on to this band last January. You can check out past Trib's to verify that. I acknowledged them for writing one or two catchy songs. Where were you? Probably listening to Outkast, or whatever else was cool that month. The worst part about this band is not only did radio murder "Cable Car" but people like "How to save a life" because it was on Grey's Anatomy! How pathetic is that? Seriously, if you like that song because it was on Grey's, you should kill yourself right now. I hate you. I hope your death is painful.

Second: I know this isn't entertainment news, but have you heard of all (like 40) the O'Donnell boys complaining that the dorm may turn co-ed next year. What is wrong with you guys??? Are you kidding me??? This is 2006, not 1906 you stupid kids who have only lived there for five weeks. And you're not going to live there next year! What is your problem? Wait 'till that place starts to stink like your dirty Hanes. Ilived in South Hall my freshman year, it was painful. Trust me, you will get sick of seeing hairy guys.

Wow. How did you all get into Marquette?


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