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Monday, June 04, 2007

Top Ten Singles, 2006

1. AFI, "Miss Murder"

Shouldn't be number one? Not the best rock song? A Red Hot Chili Peppers re-hash in its place? Sorry. Starting out with a bass line hi-jacked from Green Day and continuing on with shimmering verses and the sexiest chorus about suicide ever (how many times do you get to say that?) and you have the year's best. This is the catchiest 'hang yourself' music ever!

2. Justin Timberlake, "Sexyback"

From the outset, Timbaland's beat is good enough to get anyone's hips grinding (for better or worse), but just note one thing: Saying "I'm bringing sexyback" or any variation thereof is definitely over. Stop doing it.

3. Gnarls Barkley, "Crazy"

When granny got it as her ring-tone you may have started switching the dial when this tune came on, but it was truly like nothing else this summer. What kind of music is it? Nobody knows, which in a market of stale pop-remakes, is a remarkable thing.

4. Taking Back Sunday, "Miami"

Oh no. I'm breaking all sorts of protocol here as this wasn't even released as a single, but "Miami" is truly unmatched this year. Every band wants to claim it just released an 80's-inspired, funk-rock masterpiece with an edge sharp enough to cut. But only one band did. Take it for what you will.

5. Ludacris, "Money Maker"

Yes, it's not deep. Yes, Ludacris uses the same tried-and-true flow. Yes, none of that matters. "Money Maker" streamlines what people want from Luda: a song about ladies shaking their behind with Pharrell along for the ride.

6. Snow Patrol, "Chasing Cars"

Not to be confused with Dishwalla's "Counting Blue Cars" or Taylor Hicks' Soul Patrol, Snow Patrol know how to write a great power ballad. Hey, does Zach Braff know about you guys? He should feature you in his next movie or something.

7. Dixie Chicks, "Not Ready To Make Nice"

The musical equivalent of a middle finger to Nashville.

8. The Killers, "When You Were Young"

Ignore the rest of the album (outside of the fantastic "Bones" of course). Ignore the fact that this is the Killers and they're writing about hurricanes. But pay attention to the visceral punch and fist-pumping enthusiasm this track presents.

9. Brad Paisley, "When I Get Where I'm Going"

Despite rhyming "lion's mane" with "drop of rain," this is still the most powerful country ballad this year, courtesy of the man that brought you "Alcohol." A few drops of the aforementioned, and you'll certainly be singing along.

10. Chamillionaire, "Ridin'"

Chamillionaire's anthem had windows rolled down and the sounds turned up in suburbia, and I would imagine, elsewhere.


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